“I keep you workin’ that… Hermes Birkin bag, Manolo Blahnik timbs, aviator lens”
These are lyrics from my favorite rapper, Jay-Z (’03 Bonnie & Clyde). He was referring to his now wife, Beyonce and her timeless, wardrobe pieces that you would find in any boss babe’s closet. To have Manolo Blahnik timbs in my closet was a desire of mine since 2002! Both Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez wore them in music videos around that time and in my head I should've been counted among those fashionistas. While Jay may have been the first to mention the shoes in a song, the first time I laid eyes on the Manolo Blahnik timbs was on singer, Amerie in her “Talkin’ to Me” video from her debut album “All I Have”. The album was the soundtrack to my life as I became obsessed with it the summer before my freshman year at Howard University. You can imagine my excitement when I was moving into the Tubman Quadrangle better known as “the Quad” and all I could hear was the sultry sounds of Amerie resonating the halls of Baldwin, 2nd floor. I loved her whole style, her songs and what she represented… Another young woman blazing the music industry! Later that fall, I got the chance to meet Amerie and express my admiration! But that’s another blog for another time. Back then I couldn’t afford to traipse the streets of NYC (DC or Sicklerville, NJ) in my Manolo Blahniks like Amerie in the video and I would rather go without then purchase one of the many knock off versions. Fortunately, my financial situation has improved greatly over the years and just in time to purchase them when they were re-released! I now am a proud owner of Manolo Blahnik timbs and I plan to wear them any and every way almost everyday!
The reason I feel so passionate about these shoes is because I like to dress up but I also like to “keep it gangsta” at times. That means some days I’ll wear my 6 inch heels with a dress or skirt and some days I’ll wear a sweatsuit or some skinny jeans with my Timberland boots. The Manolo Blahnik timbs can do both! You can dress them up or dress them down and they represent me, sweet but hard and stylish! These shoes are the epitome of hip hop culture. As a DJ I like to express myself not only through my music selection and performance but also through my style of dress, while I’m performing and when I’m not. I believe “music is my business” so you may often times see me in a fly blazer and heels while DJing. My goal is to look great and keep the party moving and the Manolo Blahnik timbs will definitely be in the rotation at my gigs and I won’t sacrifice my business look! As a predominant, hip hop DJ, what better way to combine the culture, style and music then with these shoes?! I’ll be sure to post pictures on my Instagram & Twitter of my outfits with the Manolos as well as when I wear them for gigs. Keep your eye on me! #new #followme #manoloblahnik #femaledj #amerie #beyonce #j
